What are the Benefits?
When acquiring a Golden Visa in Portugal, there are several tax benefits to which you will be entitled. This Portuguese investment incentive program covers not only Madeira but the entire Portuguese area, as long as the candidate has income outside Portugal. Activities such as doctors, university professors, IT technicians, engineers, scientists, researchers and managers under certain contractual conditions may benefit from an increased rate of 20%.
The incentive lasts for 10 years as long as no type of health problem is declared to the citizen. It also applies to pensioners who intend to reside in Portugal but receive a pension from their country of origin. Citizens who have income or business and professional activities outside Portugal are also eligible to apply for this regime.
To obtain tax benefits, you must only meet two requirements:
- Have a Portuguese taxpayer number (NIF);
- You cannot have resided in Portugal in the last 5 years immediately prior to the date on which you are applying.
There are associated tax benefits, which allow the investor to be exempt or subject to a reduced rate. The applicant will thus be able to: be exempt from IMT in the context of the acquisition of said real estate and from IMI, after their acquisition, for three years and benefit from a reduced VAT rate, in relation to contract works.